Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eating Healthier!

Here are a few of my struggles:

1: I HATE WATER. I hate drinking water so much that I, to be completely honest, on some days, don't drink any! NADA! Now I know how unhealthy this is, and I am going to make an honest effort to drink water regularly, but i'm not making any promises, this is going to be a BIG challenge for me.

Luckily, I found that drinking a 0 calorie 0 carb 0 sugar flavored, carbonated water is a sufficient substitute for plain 'ol water. I will be drinking a lot of those during this journey. 1 bottle is 33.8 oz and I am going to try to drink one of those and then refill the bottle with water and finish that before bedtime. Again, huge challenge.

2: I hate breakfast. I do not under any circumstances feel the need to eat breakfast in the morning. It's a bad habit, I know, but it just isn't my thing. Right now my girls sleep in enough that by the time they get up and I get them and myself ready for the day, it's lunch time. I will start babysitting my niece, S'more in July, and will be forced to get out of bed at a much earlier hour, so I will neeeeeed to eat breakfast, or I will pig-out at lunch!

3: INSOMNIA! I can NEVER sleep, ever. I get into bed at 10:00 and if I am asleep by 2:00 it is a successful night! It is sad, and I don't know why I can't sleep, but I can't and I am trying to live with it. This is an especially bad thing because eventually, I have to get up and eat, and at 12:00 when everyone in the sugar shack (my house) is asleep, there is only one thing calling my name...JUNK! Cookies, cake, candy, ice name it. Horrible right? Don't have to tell me.

4: I don't exercise. I hate exercising, it is painful and frustrating and makes me want to puke. I used to be QUITE athletic, never thin, but always athletic and muscular. I need to get back into the routine, but Hubby and kids don't make that easy for me. I never seem to have the time. I am sitting here, typing this excuse while a treadmill is sitting next to me, collecting dust. I know, get up and work out.

5: Cooking healthy. It is not an easy to feet to cook a meal for myself, hubby, cupcake (5) and cookie (3) that is healthy and delicious, so you're joining me on a journey of creating, copying and re-creating healthy recipes, and anytime I find a good one, you'll be the first to know!

Happy Wenesday!

1 comment:

  1. I understand some of those challenges myself. I don't like to cook (I actually can't cook - nothing tastes good when I make it and cooking totally stresses me out!). Breakfast is a pain a lot of the time and exercise is ... exercise.

    But, here is the bright side. I quit drinking soda a year and a half ago. Since then, I fell in love with water and I actually crave it. Keep trying, it will happen.

    As for breakfast, I struggle with cooking and I don't like breakfast foods so I have started making a protein shake (using a blender and ice is key). It keeps me very full and I have acquired quite a taste for it as well.

    Can't help with the insomnia. I love to sleep which is just one more reason why I struggle with getting breakfast before work! ;)

    Exercise - well I am still trying to work on this one. I notice when I make it a habit, it is easier to do. I haven't made it a habit yet this time around, but hopefully will soon. But, you have to agree, the cool down is amazing after a hard workout. I love those 3-5 minutes!

    As for the cooking, I will be looking for you to help on this one.

    Good luck! Finding your weaknesses is a huge step towards a healthier lifestyle!
