Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Welcome to my world...


That being said, here is a little more about me!

I am first and foremost, a mother. I love my children. I am happily married to the man that I have loved since I was 14. I am very blessed, I kow that. I have a special needs child, she has changed me in ways that I never imagined! I also have a "healthy" child who amazes me and challenges me daily. Cupcake (oldest) and Cookie (baby) are the lights of my life, and the reason that I have any motivation to do this, at all. Hubby is an amazingly supportive man who doesn't ever seem to "notice" when I gain weight, even 100 lbs. This is a flaw that I have come to love, and despise all at the same time. He recently told me that unless I weighed more than him, I was perfect...well, Hubby, sorry to break it to you, I have weighed more than you since I got pregnant with Cookie! I didn't say this, but I felt like I wanted to scream it out to him just so he would realize how dire my situation is! I look forward to revealing myself on this blog when I am down 175-200 lbs and he can see just how far I have come.

Come join me on this journey, and help me stay on track! I am always looking for a good blog to read! :)


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! We can do this together. Although when I come to your blog, I get a sudden desire to eat sweets. LOL! ;) Good luck, I look forward to more of your posts.

    So, how are you planning to lose the weight? I am still working on a plan and love to hear what others are doing.

  2. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by to read my little blog! :) I like your blog as well. If you are interested in getting it scrapbooking you should check out the this site Its a great site with some wonderful and talented ladies. I look forward to reading your blog! :) Talk to you soon. LeA :)
